Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bust Your Bust Read Online Free

Sadly, half of women hate their breasts. Whether they're too small, too big or entering a downward spiral, there are plenty of ways to enhance those statistics.

Although men tend to view breasts as an amazing wonder to behold, they're basically just globes of fatty tissue, mammary glands and muscle. The Coopers ligaments that hold them in place aren't actually very strong, which is why women live in fear of drooping. They can be stretched permanently if you don't support your breasts with a well-fitting bra, and 85% of us wear the wrong size. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, age, gravity and doing lots of sport in a flimsy or wrong-sized bra can also take their toll and cause dreaded `tennis ball in a sock' droopiness, more info about how to increase your breast size naturally.

The bottom line is, nothing short of surgery will change the shape of breasts. However, good posture and strength-building exercises can help improve the back and chest muscles and perk the whole area up considerably. If you love swimming then backstroke can help boost your bust. In addition try these exercises three times a week:


These are considered the best move for a firmer chest Get down on your hands and knees and put your hands a little more than hip distance apart, keeping your hands in line with your shoulders. Keeping the part of your thigh just above your knees on the ground, lower your chest so that your elbows come out slightly to the side and then slowly push up again without locking them. Keep your stomach pulled in tight and don't allow your back to sag. The wider apart your hands are the more you work your chest. Aim for three sets of ten to fifteen press-ups.


Lie on your back, holding a 2.25-4.5 kg (5-10 Ib) weight in both hands above your head. Keeping your elbows bent and your arms about shoulder width apart (either side of your head) slowly lift the weight up over your head towards your belly and back. Build up to three sets of twelve to sixteen repetitions.

The back extension

The back extension can help support your breasts and improve your posture. After each set of press-ups, lie face down on the floor, lift one arm and the opposing leg a few inches straight in the air simultaneously and hold for a count of ten. Do this move twice on each side. Back extensions will strengthen your upper and lower back muscles, which will help improve your posture.


  1. Gave the methods inside a full test run over 6 weeks and with 2 weeks I had already started to notice a difference. It took just under 4 weeks for me to gain one cup size taking me from a B cup to a C cup.HERE TO FIND MORE INFORMATION

    1. You was two full cup sizes bigger.And the best part about the Boost Your Bust method is that you don't have to go through any expensive and painful surgery. If you'd like to increase your own cup size then just visit the Boost Your Bust site below. recommend the methods 100% find more information

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  3. I gave the methods inside a full test run over 6 weeks and with 2 weeks I had already started to notice a difference. It took just under 4 weeks for me to gain one cup size taking me from a B cup to a C cup. find more information

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